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Royal Archconfraternity of SS. John the Baptist and Evangelist of the Knights of Malta ad Honorem of Catanzaro
(attached to the Lateran Archbasilica)
born Jorge Mario Bergoglio - Buenos Aires, 17 December 1936, since 13 March 2013 he is the 266th bishop of Rome and pope of the Catholic Church, 8th sovereign of the Vatican City State, primate of Italy, in addition to the other titles proper to the Roman pontiff. Of Argentine nationality and belonging to the regular clerics of the Society of Jesus, he is the first pontiff of this religious order, as well as the first from the American continent
The history of the Royal Archconfraternity of Saints John the Baptist and Evangelist of the Knights of Malta ad Honorem of Catanzaro stands out for being distinguished by a mantle of extraordinary and exceptional not only juridical but also ecclesial. His direct filiation to the Lateran Chair, that is to the mother Church of Rome "Omnium Urbis et Orbis Ecclesiarum Mater et Caput" is certainly his greatest pride. go on

01 - esterno

05 - Altare Maggiore


01 - esterno
news dalla Arciconfraternita
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