Royal Archconfraternity of SS. John the Baptist and Evangelist of the Knights of Malta ad Honorem of Catanzaro
(attached to the Lateran Archbasilica)
Area dedicated to communications from the Prior and Secretary of the Chair in force e
previous communications from the Extraordinary Commissioner and / or Prior Professors previous ed
to the news that are published in magazines of various kinds

Convocazione Assemblea Ordinaria del 11 novembre 2022.
Il Priore Mario Cristiano

Communication of admission to the benefit of the 5 x thousand of the Archconfraternity.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Convening of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of November 26, 2021.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Feast of Our Lady of Constantinople, Protectress of the Archconfraternity.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Anniversary of the Foundation of the Archconfraternity.
Article on New Community
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Timetable Liturgical Celebrations that will take place in our Church during Holy Week.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

17 .03.2021
From Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 March the Pious practice of the "Forty Hours" will take place in our Church. The poster is sent with the time of the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the celebration of Holy Masses.
The confreres are invited to participate in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by choosing each, compatibly with their commitments, the time of the visit to the Church.
In preparation for Easter, on Friday 19 March, the feast of St. Joseph, at 5.30 pm, a meeting with the Spiritual Father, Don Francesco, will take place, during which Pope Francis' Message for Lent will be read and commented on.
I invite the Brothers to participate in the aforementioned formative meeting and in the closing Mass of the Forty Hours which will be celebrated on Sunday 21 March, at 6.30 pm.
The Secretary Raimondo Fiorentino

This Secretariat receives news regarding one of our confreres who would claim to hold the position of "Prior Emeritus" and "Grand Officer" of the Confraternity. As previously communicated, all the confreres are informed that, at the moment, the only Prior Emeritus of the Archconfraternity is the lawyer Gianfranco Cacia. In our association there is no position of Grand Official. Consequently, whoever claims to hold this honorary title within our association is a braggart. they only provide that the members of the Sodality are indicated with the name of confreres and sisters and that they are given the title of "Honorary Knight of Malta".
The official bodies of our Archconfraternity are listed on the official website of the same.

Announcement: all the Brothers, Novices and Postulants are reminded that, at the moment, no peripheral Delegation of our Archconfraternity is present on the national territory, nor has any Referent been appointed. Therefore any information and / or request must be sent to the Secretariat using the email address confraternitacz@tiscali.it or by calling the Prior - Mario Cristiano cell directly. 331 693 2300 or to the Secretary - Raimondo Fiorentino cell. 329 372 7423
The Prior Mario Cristiano

With great sorrow I announce the death of the Brother ENZO ROTELLA, who for many years has been a point of reference for the Church, the Brotherhood and the Parish.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

The inauguration ceremony of the new Chair will take place on Saturday 12 September at 6.30 pm during the Holy Mass celebrated by the spiritual Father, Don Francesco Brancaccio, in our Church of San Giovanni. I invite all the confreres to participate in the sacred rite in church dress.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Confirmation of election of the new Prioral Seat: With a decree dated 4/8 us the Diocesan Ordinary - Mons. Vincenzo Bertolone - confirmed the election of the new Prioral Seat of our Archconfraternity. The Chair is composed as follows:
The desk
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Convocation of the elective assembly: The Elective Assembly of the Brothers for the election of the new members is convened for 11 July 2020 at the church of S Giovanni in Catanzaro, at 9:00 in the first and at 10:00 in the second call. of The Chair. letter of convocation .
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Feast of the Patron of the Confraternities: On the occasion of the 5th July Feast of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Patron of the Confraternities, all the confreres are invited to give timely notice of adhesion also by telephone to the Florentine Secretary. Poster
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On the occasion of the Feast of St. John the Baptist, Patron Saint of our Archconfraternity, all the confreres are invited to participate, in church dress, in the Holy Mass which will be celebrated at 18.00 on 24 cm by Mons. Giuseppe Silvestre. The Eucharistic liturgy will be animated by the Diocesan Choir. Since the places in the Church are limited, it is requested the courtesy to communicate the adhesion by 12.00 on Tuesday 23/6 also by telephone to - Segr. Fiorentino.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Letter from the Archbishop, Mons. Bertolone, on the occasion of the anniversary of the institution of Our Royal Archconfraternity.
Letter from the Archbishop
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Letter to the Brothers: Important communication for the Brothers of the Archconfraternity.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Easter greetings: The members of the Chair, and the Spiritual Father wish everyone in confreres a happy Easter.
wishes from La Cattedra wishes from the spiritual Father
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Notice for the confreres: We inform you that on April 18, 2020 the elective assembly for the election of the members of the Chair was called, here the
official convocation
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On Friday 13 December at 18.00, on the occasion of the Feast of St. Lucia, a Holy Mass for the Archconfraternity will be celebrated at the Church of S. Omobono. The confreres are invited to participate. Church dress is not required. At the end of the Sacred Rite, the premises will be opened in Via S. Giorgio.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Wednesday 11 December at 6.00 pm at the Church of S. Rocco, presentation of the book "Recognizing the voice of God" by Don Vincenzo LO PASSO. The confreres are invited to participate in the presentation, of which is attached
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Sunday 8 December at 10.30 am, on the occasion of the Feast of the Patroness, the Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Conception of Catanzaro invited our Sodality to attend, with its representatives, the Pontifical Holy Mass, presided over by HE Mons. Bertolone, which will be celebrated in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. The confreres are invited to participate in church dress and we will meet at 10.00 at the entrance of the Basilica.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On Thursday 5 December at 18:00 at the Church of S. Omobono, a Holy Mass will be celebrated for all the confreres. Church dress is not required.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On Sunday 1 December at 12:00 in the Church of S. Giovanni, the Spiritual Father Don Francesco Brancaccio will celebrate a Holy Mass in suffrage of the Spiritual Fathers and the deceased Brothers. Brothers are invited to participate in the Sacred Rite. church dress is not required.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On Wednesday 16 October at 6.00 pm, the meeting of HE MONS will take place in the Church of San Giovanni. BERTOLONE with the catechists. The confreres are invited to participate.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of St. John Paul II's visit to Catanzaro, at 9.30 am on Sunday 6 October, at the Biodiversity Park of Catanzaro, HE Monsignor Vincenzo Bertolone will celebrate a Mass in memory of the event. Interested confreres will be able to participate in the sacred rite, in church dress, as a moment of communion with the lay associations of the Archdiocese.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

As part of the activities planned to commemorate the figure of Abbot Gioacchino Da Fiore, in the Church of S. Omobono in Catanzaro, a personal exhibition by Sisetta Zappone will take place from 3 to 13 October. The works exhibited are a suggestion in a contemporary key of the Liber Figurarum tables. The exhibition is curated by Lara Caccia and Rosalba Dinoia, with the patronage of the Calabria Region, the IC "Mattia Preti" of Catanzaro, the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Catanzaro Squillace, the Archconfraternity of SS. John the Baptist and Evangelist of the knights of Malta ad honorem of Catanzaro, of the International Center of Gioachimiti Studies and of the Kairòs Association. The exhibition will be open every day, except Saturday 12 October, from 16.30 to 19.30. The confreres are invited to participate in the exhibition of which the poster is attached
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Convocation of the Archconfraternity Assembly, please read the Prior's Letter for further details. Click here for the letter
The Prior Mario Cristiano

With deep regret the Prior, the Prior Emeritus and the Chair participate in the disappearance of the Brother Fortunato Santise, who has dedicated much of his life to the service of the Archconfraternity. The funeral will take place in the Church of S. Giovanni today 22/08 at 17:30. Brothers are invited to participate in the sad rite in church dress.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Formative meeting: Friday 26/04 at 18:30 at the Church of S. Giovanni will take place the formative meeting with the Novice Master and the Prior. The theme of the meeting will be "History of the Church of San Giovanni".
The Prior Mario Cristiano

In my personal name, the Prior Emeritus, the Spiritual Father and the members of the Chair, I send affectionate wishes for a Happy Easter to all the Brothers and their respective families.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Rites of Holy Week and commitments of the Brotherhood:
a) Holy Thursday - April 18 Brothers are invited to participate, in church dress, in the Holy Mass in Coena Domini which will be celebrated in our Church starting at 18.00.
b) Good Friday April 19th, the Brothers are informed that the celebration of the Passion of Jesus will begin at 4.30 pm in our Church.
The NACA procession will start at 18.30 from the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. The confreres must gather at the aforementioned Basilica at 6.00 pm
c) Holy Saturday, the Holy Mass of the Easter Vigil will begin at 10.30 pm.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Invitation to the Brothers: Wednesday 10/04/2019 at 18:00 at the Church of S. Omobono, our Spiritual Father - Don Francesco Brancaccio - will celebrate a Holy Mass during which he will dictate a moment of reflection in preparation for the Holy . Easter. Brothers are invited to participate in the Ceremony.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Invitation to the Brothers: A family from Catanzaro plans to donate, as a sign of devotion, a velvet mantle for the image of the ECCE HOMO of Our Church. The ceremony will take place during the mass on Saturday 6 cm at 18:00. Brothers are invited to participate in the Ceremony.
The Secretary Raimondo Fiorentino

Formative meeting: The confreres are reminded that on Friday 5 April, at 5.15 pm, at the Church of S. Giovanni, the formative meeting with the spiritual Father Don Francesco BRANCACCIO will take place.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Via Crucis: on Saturday 30/3, starting at 9.30, the annual Via Crucis of the Confraternities of our Archdiocese will take place in Settingiano. I invite the Brothers to participate, here the program of the Pious Practice.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Convocation of the Novice Formation Meeting: Thursday 28/3, at 6.30 pm, the formative meeting with the Novice Master and the Prior will take place at the Church of S. Giovanni. The theme of the meeting is: "PRESENTATION OF THE DIRECTORY DOCUMENT ON POPULAR PIETY AND THE LITURGY" ..
The Prior Mario Cristiano

In addition to the previous one with which the poster with the program of the novena of St. John the Baptist was sent to each confrere, I remind everyone that on the feast of St. John the Baptist, the following initiatives have been planned:
a) Thursday 21 June, 6.00 pm Holy Mass; at 18.30 the brother Vittorio Santise will speak on "The Patron Saints of the Archconfraternity;
b) Friday 22 June: 6.00 pm Holy Mass; 18.30 presentation of the book "Catanzaro, a treasure chest of faith and traditions" by the authors;
c) Saturday 23 June: 6.00 pm Holy Mass, at the end of which the postulants will be presented to the Spiritual Father, the Prior and the Novice Master; 6.30 pm: report by Dr. Francesco Cristiano "Catanzaro and its territory: notes and ideas for an archaeological research". Following visit to the historic center of the city.
d) Sunday 24 June, 10.30 am: Holy Mass celebrated by Mons. Vincenzo Bertolone, Archbishop of Catanzaro and admission to the novitiate of the postulants.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

For proper information, the poster with the program of the novena and the feast of our Patron Saint St. John the Baptist is sent , to which all POSTULANTS must attend. Remember the dark dress.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Thursday 24 May, at 6.30 pm As part of the celebrations for the XXX anniversary of the proclamation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Capocolonna as Patroness of the Archdiocese of Crotone, our Archconfraternity was invited by the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Capocolonna to participate in the solemn liturgy Eucharistic that will be celebrated at the Monastery of Santa Chiara in Crotone, seat of the Confraternity. The prior and the Chair welcomed the invitation they extend to all the confreres. Those interested in participating can communicate their adhesion to our secretariat.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On Tuesday 22 May, at 6.00 pm in the Aula Magna of the Theological Seminary of St. Pius X, organized by the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher, the conference “CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND RITES IN JERUSALEM” will take place.
The Secretary Raimondo Fiorentino

On Friday 25 May, at 6.00 pm, in the Sala Sancti Petri in Via Arcivescovado, a conference will be held for the presentation of the book “Saggio sopra il vajuolo” written by our brother Vincenzo Valente. I invite the confreres to participate.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

On Thursday 12 April, at 6.00 pm, at the Church of San Giovanni, Monsignor Giuseppe Silvestre, Episcopal Vicar and our Brother, will present his latest book: "Believe, Hope, Love - For an itinerary of Christian life". I invite the confreres to participate.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

Meeting today at the De Nobili institute for the donation of a defibrillator by our Archconfraternity, a symbolic gesture that wants to underline how every institution must be equipped with everything that is indispensable in guaranteeing the safety and serene performance of all activities. Present at the delivery Don Francesco Brancaccio and the Prior Mario Cristiano, welcomed by the head teacher Susanna Mustari assisted by the project coordinator Prof. Brunella Badolato. Here is the souvenir photo of the delivery.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

The confreres are invited to view the calendar of the Holy Week rites which will take place at the Church of San Giovanni in Catanzaro.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

The Diocesan Union of Confraternities has organized the Via Crucis della Misericordia for Saturday 17 March, starting at 9.00 am, at the Basilica Madonna di Porto di Gimigliano, to which all the Confraternities of our Diocese are invited. The parish priest of the Basilica, Mons. Facciolo Raffaele, Episcopal Vicar of the Confraternities, Mons. Emilio Aspromonte, spiritual manager of the Confraternities of Calabria and Don Vincenzo Schiavello will participate in the day of prayer. The heads of some brotherhoods of Calabria and the regional coordinator of the National Confederation will be welcome guests.
The Prior Mario Cristiano
Download the Program

On the occasion of the Forty Hours at the church of San Giovanni, the confreres are invited to view the program and the commitments of the Archconfraternity.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

21 .02.2018
The confreres are invited to participate in the celebration of the community mass on Saturday 24 February, at 6 pm, at the church of San Giovanni. At the end of the celebration, the restoration work on the altar of the Madonna of Constantinople, protector of the Archconfraternity, will be briefly illustrated. The blessing of the altar will follow, by the spiritual Father, Don Francesco Brancaccio.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

We inform you that on 27/02/2018, at the Church of S.Angelo, the Assembly was called at 5.30 pm on first call and at 6.00 pm on second call. Attached letter of convocation and agenda.
The Prior Mario Cristiano
Download PDF

We inform you that on 16/7/2017, at 19.00, the procession of San Vitaliano will take place through the main streets of the city of Catanzaro. At the end of the procession our Archbishop will celebrate the Holy Mass. The brothers are invited to gather in the Cathedral of Catanzaro, in church dress, to participate in the sacred rites. For proper information, below the program of the novena of San Vitaliano and the poster of the Convention on San Vitaliano which will take place in the Sancti Petri hall on Thursday 13 July, at 19.30. Interested confreres will be able to participate in the conference.
The Prior Mario Cristiano
Download PDF

On July 11, at 7.30 pm, together with the parish community we will gather in the sacristy of our Church to give our best wishes to our Spiritual Father, Don Francesco Brancaccio, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his priestly ordination. The confreres are invited to participate in the meeting.
The Prior Mario Cristiano

The confreres are invited to take part, in church dress, in the meeting scheduled by the Diocesan Union for the Confraternities for July 4th, at 6.00 pm at the Seminary of Squillace. At the bottom the program of the meeting to download.
The Prior Mario Cristiano
Download PDF

The Chair has decided to promote a fundraising among the confreres in suffrage of the blessed soul of the mother of our Spiritual Father, Don Francesco Brancaccio. The sum raised will be used to support a social work that will be subsequently communicated. Attached are the methods to be used for the collection of offers.
The Prior Mario Cristiano
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Attached is the program of the Novena and the Feast of St. John the Baptist, our Patron. The afternoon Holy Masses (6.00 pm) in which the Confreres will participate in Church dress, will be celebrated by Priests belonging to our Sodality. The Eucharistic liturgy of the feast of St. John the Baptist, which will take place at 18.00 on June 24th, will be animated by the "Father Luigi Materdomini" choir. At the end of the Holy Mass, the Choir of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Catanzaro will perform a concert of polyphonic music. I invite all the Brothers to participate.
Mario Cristiano Prior
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Message from Prior Mario Cristiano: "In my personal name and the members of the Chair, I warmly thank the Brothers who participated in the inauguration ceremony. A heartfelt thanks also to the Brothers who, due to work or family problems, were unable to present but who, spiritually close, certainly did not make us lack the support of their prayers. "

Letter of Invitation to the Brothers for participation in the inauguration rite of La Cattedra.
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All the confreres are invited to be present at 5.30 pm with church dress in the Cathedral of Catanzaro to take part in the procession in honor of the Patron Saint of the City of Catanzaro
The Extraordinary Commissioner Don S. Cognetti

To all the Brothers of the Royal Archconfraternity
The Extraordinary Commissioner Don Salvino Cognetti will meet all the confreres on 11.07.2014 at 7.00 pm in the church of San Giovanni Battista in Catanzaro
The Extraordinary Commissioner Don S. Cognetti

All confreres are invited to be present with church dress on 24 June 2014 at 10.00 to participate in the Solemn Mass in honor of the Patron Saint St. John the Baptist in the homonymous church in Catanzaro. At the end of the function the new confreres will be welcomed.
The Extraordinary Commissioner Don S. Cognetti

The Prior Roberto Iuliano

All the Brothers wish a Happy Easter to HE Mons. Vincenzo Bertolone, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Diocese of Catanzaro Squillace, thanking him for what he bestows on every occasion with the Word and with the Teachings that illuminate the way to True Life.
The Prior Roberto Iuliano

We thank all the Confreres, the Ladies and the Novices of Our Society who walked and participated in the procession of the "Naca" on Good Friday in Catanzaro. I was happy for the large number despite the ungrateful time and for the composure demonstrated. A thought goes to those who have been prevented from participating, hoping to be able to meet them in the Mass of the Resurrection. A special thought and a wish for a Holy Easter extended to families for all the confreres from beyond the region certainly engaged in the religious events of their places of belonging
The Prior Roberto Iuliano

We remind all the Brothers and Novices of the inevitable Good Friday appointment. On 18 April 2014 at 5.15 pm they will have to be in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of Catanzaro with church dress. It is from this stupendous Basilica that this year, at 6 pm, the centuries-old procession of the “Naca” will start and cross the streets of the city. HE Monsignor Vincenzo Bertolone, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Diocese of Catanzaro-Squillace will be present and will guide the faithful.
The Prior Roberto Iuliano

The Prior thanks all the confreres who actively participated in the city Via Crucis led by HE Mons Vincenzo Bertolone Metropolitan Archbishop of the Diocese of Catanzaro Squillace and who united the hearts and intentions of the Confraternities present with that of the hundreds of faithful who came. He exhorts to pray for the confreres who have not been able to intervene for health reasons and for those who are hospitalized at the city hospital and for which he has given his personal intervention.
The Prior Roberto Iuliano

The Brothers are informed that the restoration of the Altar of San Giovanni Battista is underway by the Paonessa Company of Catanzaro. The works will be completed for the feast of the co-patron saint. The company has also guaranteed and paid homage to the restoration of the marble statue of San Giovanni placed on the frontispiece of the church. The statue arrived in Catanzaro in 1600 from Naples, sculpted by the hands of Tuscan artists who came with Bernini. It was donated by the Gerosolimitano Knight Fra Alfonso Maria Ferrari, Patrizio di Catanzaro and Confrate.
The Prior Roberto Iuliano

The confreres are advised that on 14.03.2014 at 17.00 the Via Crucis Cittadina will begin with the participation of HE Monsignor Vincenzo Bertolone, which will start from the Church of San Giovanni Battista and will continue through the streets of the city up to the Cathedral of Catanzaro. Please be present with your dress at 5.00 pm in the Church of San Giovanni Battista
The Prior Roberto Iuliano